Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Joy...of Good Friends

Three nights ago I had the pleasure of having dinner with my longest running best friend (or bestie as we've long referred to each other).  With all the types of friends we have and have had throughout our lives, there really is a special place for the "old friend".  This friend has seen you through break-ups, engagements, bad hair days, great clothing choices and not so great job choices.  You can call them at midnight with a broken heart or 5am with great news. 

As we get older, we create more of our own families.  We might marry and have kids.  We might move in with a long term significant other.  And our jobs take over more of our lives.  Our time gets split between more friends, more responsibilities, more interests and more activities.  And sometimes friendship fall by the wayside.  The fair-weather friend usually disappears completely.  We cull our friendship circles down, making room for "life".  That's when you truly know you have a long term friend.  No matter how much time passes, you can pick up the phone and start right back up where you left off.  You can have it out, hurt each other's feelings, question each other's decisions and know that you'll always, ALWAYS work it out.

So as I came home from dinner the other night I thought how truly lucky I am to have this person in my life (and not just because she's helping hugely in the planning of my wedding!).  There's a certain Joy in the certainty of this long term friendship.  The Joy of a Good Friend is the joy in knowing that they'll always be in your life in some way.

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